Strawberries are produced all over the world because they are relatively easy to cultivate, but Made-in-Japan Strawberries Gaining High Reputation around the World.
Let’s understand the secret behind Japan supremacy in this area of cultivation –

- Biggest Consumer: Japan is biggest consumer of raw strawberries itself. This leads to continuous innovation and strict quality control. To meet huge domestic consumption and export pattern, new cutting edge technologies are being used in forming and this lead to new strawberry varieties cultivation. Japanese strawberries are highly evaluated in terms of taste and quality.
- Quality: High grade sweet Juicy and delicate strawberries with around 300 varieties.
- Nutritional Value: 100 g of strawberries having 34 kilocalories energy and contains 62 mg of vitamin C. rich in folic acid, which is required in large amounts for pregnant or lactating women. Goodness of Anthocyanin, which is a component of the red pigment, has attracted attention as an antioxidant substance.
- Export Infrastructure: Japan has successfully built world class infrastructure for exporting delicious strawberries to world. Special package containers with high cushioning properties, using Controlled Atmosphere (CA) containers that control fruit breathing, and high-voltage type containers.
- What is Secret behind Japan’s Delicious Strawberries ?
- Japan is biggest consumer of Strawberries , why?